About Me
You can customize the information that appears on your Merit page, including your name, hometown, major, class year and bio. To do so, go to the About Me tab in the sidebar:
On this page you can edit the following details:
The first, middle and last name that appears on your Merit page:
Email Addresses
The email addresses associated with your Merit account. The selected one will be your primary address and the one that any notifications from Merit will be sent to. Click the Add Email button to add another email address to your account:
Hometown, State and Postal Code
The hometown information that will appear on your Merit page:
Major, Minor and Class Year
The major and minor you've earned or are working toward and the class year you graduated (or plan to graduate):
A brief summary about who you are. This information will serve as an introduction to you on your Merit page and be followed by your individual achievements. Click Update when you're done making changes: